Video Content PLR – High Quality PLR Packages By Adam Payne

Video Content PLR

Video Content PLR – Ready Made Content To Rebrand, Sell And Keep 100% Of The Profits!

Are you trying to make an extra income online with PLR? If so, then you’re in the right place ’cause today we’ll take a look at one of the best membership sites to score PLR packages of the highest quality. Adam Payne’s Video Content PLR is unique in it’s own way and it surely isn’t the same rehashed content that you find on most of the other PLR sites.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of other PLR sellers that offer quality content such as Arun Chandran, Tiffany Lambert or Kevin Fahey (just to name a few) but Adam offers something that most other PLR sellers don’t – Video Content and DFY keyword research.

Why does that matter? Well, creating videos is a like fine art that takes time, effort and skills. Believe me, I know ’cause I still suck at making a half decent video even after doing it for years.

And if you took a dictionary and looked for keyword research – you’d find it next to tedious, dreadful and boring as hell. Unfortunately, without keyword research your articles and videos will not rank.

So, Adam did all those time consuming tasks on your behalf and he literally gives you niche related keywords for years to come. Even better, he ditched the keywords that are difficult to rank for and kept the low hanging fruit.

Another advantage of Adam’s Video Content PLR site is that you have the choice to either go for a monthly subscription and get access to all the packages across several niches, or you can choose to buy an individual package that fit your needs.

Adam and his team will release two brand new Video Content PLR packs each month. Each pack gives you rights to edit the content, add your name and rebrand it how you see fit. You also get the master resell rights, which means that you’re able to resell the product to your audience.

Here’s An Overview Of All The Packages Currently Available

  • List Building
  • Keto For Over 40s
  • Copywriting
  • Veganism
  • Anxiety & Stress
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Tik Tok
  • Meditation
  • Website Security
  • Organic Gardening
  • Self Publishing
  • Crypto
  • Juicing
  • Video Marketing
  • Prepping For Everything
  • Organic Cooking
  • Green Living
  • Financial Planning
Video Content PLR – High Quality PLR Packages

This stack will be growing rapidly ’cause Adam intends to keep releasing 2 new PLR packages per month, which is pretty amazing given the fact that all his content is freshly written and brand new.

Here’s What You Get With Each Package

  • DFY Keyword research for Youtube
  • ​DFY Keyword research for videos on Google
  • 10 HD Videos for your Channel
  • ​Email autoresponder series
  • ​10 Well Researched articles
  • ​PDF ‘Lead Magnet’ reports
  • ​Video Scripts
  • ​Professional Audio VoiceOver Files
  • ​Interactive Checklists
  • Square Video Snippets For Social Media
  • ​Customer Avatar
  • ​Video Assets
  • Affiliate Rolodex
Video Content PLR – Assets

To take things one step further, every future release will also have it’s own professionally written e-book and a pack of royalty free images.

I’ve got a feeling the next question is going to come. What can I do with all this content? Well, quite honestly too much to jot down in this post but…

Here Are Just A Few Ideas To Using The PLR Products

  1. Strategically grow your YouTube channel by uploading the videos
  2. Give away any part of the PLR as a bonus when people buy something through your affiliate link.
  3. Use the KW research to prepare years worth of niche related content.
  4. Edit and then post the articles on your blog or niche site to grow your audience.
  5. Add the content to your membership site with your brand on it, and keep your members happy.
  6. Brand yourself as an expert with the done for you email series and nurture your list

== Here’s An Overview Of Adam’s Video Content PLR In Video Format ==

Click The Button Below To Get More Information

And because I’m in such a good mood today…

Here Are 5 Ways To Customize PLR Content & Make It Your Own

1.Change Your Title

Changing your title is a good approach to keep customers from seeing the same product being advertised on multiple PLR membership sites. Furthermore, a simple title change of the product might gradually alter how users interpret your content. By doing so, you could subtly change your target audience.

2.Reword/Paraphrase Your Content

By changing the title you will somewhat alter how people understand your content. On the other hand, changing the content itself will have a far greater impact. This way, you could adjust the style to match your own, add or delete segments, change the conclusions… and even include some affiliate links for your other offers.

3.Change Your Cover/Graphics

Modifying the cover is a step beyond just changing the title. Most PLR vendors will give Photoshop files for you to change as you see fit, so this should be quite straightforward. Otherwise, you could simply outsource this process to someone on Fiverr and have it completely redone.

4.Add More Content

Adding a few extra pages, or incorporating content from some other PLR products you own, is an easy method to add more value to the product you’re selling. Why not merge them into a single best of ‘mega’ book?

5.Add Your Logo/Branding

One major reason to modify the cover in the first place is to improve the synergy with the rest of your branding. The goal here is to develop a unified look and message that will be carried throughout all of your products and services.

This helps customers understand what your brand is all about and builds the trust you need to ensure they choose to buy any of your offers in the future. It’s needless to say but you need to think about the long game!

Which brings us to the next point…Does Adam offer any “goodies” to transform you into a super PLR marketer? Of course, he does…

The Five-Part SUPER Bonus From Adam

Adam’s bonuses are not some random standalone courses, but 5 “over the shoulder” training programs designed to transform you from a beginner into a PLR know-it-all.

He covers all the following topics:

  • Program #1 Profitable Blogging
  • Program #2 Blog Optimization
  • Program #3 Keyword Intent
  • Program #4 YouTube Traffic
  • Program #5 List Building

How Does Adam’s Video Content PLR Membership Work?

After your purchase, whether you went for the monthly or yearly plan, you’ll be emailed the login details. The monthly plan currently costs $37/month while the yearly plan will set you back $400.

Once you login, you’ll be able to browse available content packs as well as access ALL the other sections of the members area.

If you’d like to purchase individual packages only, then you’ll need to click on the store button at the top of the homepage which leads you to the actual store.

Video Content PLR – Store

Due to the nature of the products, there are no refunds. All sales are final. However you can cancel your monthly or yearly subscription at any given time.

Final Conclusion

Anyone who tried their hand on making a profit with PLR knows that there is far more to it then just slapping your name onto a sales page and hoping for the best. This is even more true if you’re dealing with PLR that has been rehashed a gazillion times.

If you’re tired of spending hours to make the best out of outdated PLR, then Adam Payne’s Video Content PLR is your answer. It’s unique, expertly written and very affordable. And let’s not forget that it also contains videos and done for you keyword research.

Currently, Adam is giving away a free PLR package on Juicing, Woodworking and a few articles on CBD oil. No fluff, No strings attached…

Do give it a try and see what Adam’s Video Content PLR can do for your business

Still not sure if PLR would fit your needs?

Then maybe you’ll need a more in-depth overview of all the things that you can do with PLR. Luckily, I’ve got such an overview as I’ve bought the unrestricted rights to a training course by Charles Harper that you can watch over here.

All the best,

dave: Honest product reviews and free tutorials in the online marketing niche.