Trafficzion Cloud AI – Does It Really Work?

Trafficzion Cloud AI – My Stats And Rankings After Using The Software

For the past couple of days I have been promoting Trafficzion Cloud AI, which is a traffic generating application that also comes with a pretty neat feature to create content in just a few clicks.

As usual I’ve got a lot of questions about the software and I totally understand that.

Probably it’s partially my own fault because I didn’t find the time to make a proper review video due to some personal stuff that’s going on right now.

However, I did find the time to come up with a written review and a value-packed bonus package that will fast track your results

>>> Go Here And Check Out My Trafficzion Cloud AI Review <<<

To be perfectly clear, I’m actually using the software and I’ve been testing it out for about 10 days now.

So, I thought it would be a good idea to share my results so far and I’m planning to update this post regularly in the future.

Also, as a compensation for not being able to record a review video you’ll find 2 videos from Demetris, the creator of Trafficzion Cloud AI, at the bottom of this page.

In these videos he’ll show you exactly how to set everything up and the results he’s gotten after 24 hours. I think you’re going to be pretty amazed.

But first things first, let’s check out my own results…

Inside the software you need to provide a list of keywords. These keywords are part of the process that will get you traffic.

I’m not going to dig deeper into this as it’s fully explained in the videos below and in my written review.

Point is, I’ve got well over a hundred likes on 7 of my chosen keywords in just 10 days. Not too shabby if you ask me – right?

Now you might be wondering – likes and comments that’s all good but does that actually mean that you’re getting traffic to your site?

Well, it sure does, just look at the picture below to get a grasp of what Trafficzion Cloud AI can do for you.

It’s not life-changing yet but do keep in mind that these numbers will grow over time. The more content you’ll put on your site the more traffic you’ll get.

Now, I did tell you at the beginning of this post that Trafficzion Cloud AI also has a feature to create content on your behalf right?

So, here’s the million dollar question – does the AI generated content rank in the search engines?

Let me tell you a secret…My Trafficzion Cloud AI review was actually written by Revuzion which is the AI tool that comes together with the Trafficzion software.

It took me about 5 minutes to create the review and with just a few minor tweaks I was able to…

Secure a spot on the first page of Google in just 24 hours

Leave all my competitors in the dust on Bing the moment I pressed the publish button

And get my review post ranked on the third place of Yahoo Search

Now There’s A Method To My Madness…

If you want to know how I rank these AI generated reviews with minimal effort then you’ll have to take a few simple steps…

And as promised here are the 2 tutorial videos from Demetris

Build a Website From Scratch, Send Traffic & Monetize for a Passive Income

Trafficzion Results After 24 Hours

>>> Click Here For Instant Access To Trafficzion + My Bonuses <<<

If you have any questions whatsoever, just drop me a comment below and I’ll get back to you asap.

All The Best,

dave: Honest product reviews and free tutorials in the online marketing niche.