How To Build A Profitable Blog in 4 Easy Steps

Simple 4 step formula shows you how to build a profitable blog

So you want to start making money in the world of profitable blogging? Are you dreaming to become one of those successful bloggers that you’ve heard so much about? If so, you’ll want to read every single word in this blog post because…I’m going to show you exactly how to build a profitable blog from scratch.

I’ll also guide you through the process of building up a following of regular buyers via a simple blog, without over complicating the process, or forcing you through a long, drawn out learning process. As a matter of fact it isn’t that difficult as most people tend to believe.

If you’re looking for a way to make money online without a great investment and something that has long term potential, blogging is the way you should go. In fact, the majority of work will involve your time, not your money.

How to build a profitable blog

So enough with the chit chat, lets dive in!

Here’s the honest truth about making money with blogging. While you can automate everything, you can not expect income to be passive from the get-go. You’ll have to work hard, especially when you are just launching your blog. You first need to build out your platform so that you can be recognized as an authority in your market.

When I first started blogging I was spending about 60 hours a month creating content, turning visitors in to subscribers and selling affiliate products. Blogging is in NO way a hands-free method of making money during the INITIAL stages. You must be prepared to put in time and effort if you truly want to be successful. But as time goes by your hard work will pay off !

While there are countless reports that over complicate the process of making money with a blog, here’s my basic but very effective way to build your blog, which I like to call:

The 4 Step Formula To Building A profitable Blog

1.Choose and register a memorable domain and create a blog

This post is focused on how to make money with your blog, so I won’t go into detail about building the platform. There are hundreds of tutorials on Youtube about setting up a simple WordPress blog.

When choosing your hosting platform avoid remotely hosted options because you want to be in full control of your website, so you can take advantage of all the different revenue options with no limitations or advertisements from third parties.

So I strongly suggest that you don’t use a free host or a remotely hosted option like Blogger or Wix. Your domain name should be a memorable domain that is targeted to your market.

2.Create content for your blog

Write or outsource content that will generate traffic and drive visitors in. The content needs to be of high-quality, targeted and informative. No fluff, no filler.

The type of content you create will depend largely on your niche, but every piece of content should always be juicy and the most relevant topic you can come up with. Your content will be what drives in traffic and keeps visitors returning to your blog and eventually turn them in subscribers and dedicated buyers.

3.Build your email list using your blog

An email list is KEY in building a successful blog online. Let me rephrase that, an email list is ESSENTIAL to be successful in nearly ANY market online. You will never make much money without one.

This process can be set up on autopilot by using on-site opt in forms that capture your blog visitors information and add them automatically to your mailing list. You can choose among various free WordPress plug-ins to create an opt in box for your blog.

Offer them a bribe in the form of a lead magnet to persuade them to subscribe to your list. A special report or cheat sheet not available anywhere else on your blog will do the trick.

If you need some more info on how to create a lead magnet yourself, then you might want to check out this post.

Next set up an auto-responder that will send different valuable content to your subscribers over time.

4.Earn your subscribers trust and respect

Don’t be a pushy email marketer whose only interest is in making money but instead build a relationship with your subscribers. Offer them value, try to help them out and you’ll gain their respect.

When subscribers feel that you are a friend who is looking out for them, they will respond accordingly. Trust me, you’ll reap the rewards later!

Fine-tune your system and begin to tailor both your email campaigns and the content on your blog, around what they are most interested in. Finally, sell products and services like no one’s business! This is when you’ll start to make money with your blog.

Best thing of this 4 step formula to build a profitable blog is that it will work in any niche you could possibly think of, whether you sell your own products, do affiliate marketing or sell services to your customers.

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