PD Visual Prints Review – Turn free available content into multiple passive income streams
Hello everyone and welcome to my PD Visual Prints Review. PD Visual Prints is a brand new digital info product from Amy Harrop and it will be launched on October 27th at 09.00 AM/EST.
PD Visual Prints reveals how to make money from the public domain with easy to create visual prints. The public domain is a goldmine of freely available vintage content that sells like hotcakes on marketplaces like Etsy, Merch By Amazon, Redbubble and many others!

One of the major benefits of using public domain content is that there are no copyright restrictions and that you can use the content in any way you want. Creating products out of public domain content doesn’t take a lot of time and you don’t need to be a technical wizard as most of the work has been done for you. And the best thing is, you create your product once and get paid over and over again.
PD Visual Prints includes everything what you need to publish and profit fast.
And for those non creative souls out there, here are just a few ideas of what you could create:
- Mugs
- T-shirts
- Wall posters
- Bags
- Stickers
- And basically any other digital download product

Watch My PD Visual Prints Review Video Below
>>> Click Here For Access To PD Visual Prints + My Bonuses <<<
Who is the creator of PD Visual Prints
Amy Harrop is a household name in the world of printables. She’s literally done it all, from low content books, educational books, puzzle and game books, card decks, stickers, t-shirts up to big sized wall posters. If you think of something, she’s probably done it already!
She walks the walk and talks the talk. Printables are Amy’s biggest stream of income and if you want to dip your toe into the printable niche, Amy is your best bet for getting it right from the start.
She produced multiple high quality products in the past that are all related to the printables niche such as Plug and Play Journals, Beyond Printables and Automagic Content.

What you’ll get inside the members area of PD Visual Prints
The 95 pages In-Depth PD Visual Prints PDF Guide
- 10 very popular niches that are highly in-demand.
- How to identify profitable free content niches and understand what consumers want.
- How to take a new image and make it look old or vintage.
- How to choose the right size for an image and ensure that it looks good when it is printed.
- How to identify and evaluate potential fulfillment sources for your printable products.
- How to sell vintage products on Etsy, including tips on how to optimize your product listings and attract traffic to your shop.
- How to scale up your business to earn more profits.
The Easy Quick-Start, Step-by-Step Checklists
These checklists include all the steps you need to take to get up and running quickly. Just follow the steps and you’re good to go.
Over-The-Shoulder Video Training
In these videos Amy will take you step by step through all the exact steps you need to take for getting off to a great start right out the gate.
100 Done For You Print Ready Visuals
With these 100 print ready image assets you could be up and running and ready for sale within the same day. Amy also shows you how to quickly customize these and make them unique.
2 Extra Bonuses
- Etsy Quick Start Guide
- Canva Training
Price and Funnel Of PD Visual Prints
PD Visual Prints will cost you $19.99 but the price will increase to $29.99 on November 3, 2020
Upgrade 1: PD Visual Quickstart at $ 27
More images that sell, in-depth video training on selling prints and pod content, and more!
Upgrade 2: PD Visual Quotes Pack at $37
Massive pack of graphic images and quotes for commercial use.
Upgrade 3: PD Goldmine Bundle at $47
Easy-to-use software with all of the public domain resources you could ever need.
Pros And Cons Of PD Visual Prints
- 100 Done For You Print Ready Visuals
- Newbie friendly, literally everyone can do this
- Step by step tutorials
- Don’t be lazy, many people will skip the 95 pages PDF guide, don’t be one of them as it is filled with golden information
If you wan’t to get in on the highly profitable printables market there isn’t a more qualified person to learn it from than Amy Harrop
Get Access To PD Visual Prints And My Bonuses
My Special Bonuses For This PD Visual Prints Review
Bonus 1: Free Access To Printly
This is a great over the shoulder video training from another expert in the printables niche.

Bonus 2: Free Access To 5K Publishing Paydays
In this video training you will learn how to create and publish your own E-books and create a passive income.

Bonus 3: The Ultimate Guide To Make Money On Etsy
In this guide you’ll learn how to set up your Etsy store correctly and how to drive thousands of visitors to your Etsy store front.

Bonus 4: How To Make Money With Print On Demand T-Shirts
In this video training you’re going to learn how and where to create print on demand T-shirts and how to become a successful seller.

Bonus 5: All Vendor Bonuses
All the bonuses provided by the vendor will be delivered inside your PD Visual Prints members area

Get Access To PD Visual Prints And My Bonuses
If you choose to purchase PD Visual Prints via my link, you’re bonuses will be automatically delivered inside your Warrior+ account. See the picture below on how to access your bonuses.