In today’s post we’re going to have a closer look at landing page design.
I got the idea to make this short landing page design tutorial from a Facebook post that I saw earlier this week. There was this guy complaining that he couldn’t get people to subscribe to his email list. And the few people that would sign up never converted into any sales.
Now instead of helping the guy out, there were a lot of marketers making fun of him, until another well respected marketer jumped in and basically hit the nail on the head, telling that it’s the marketers and vendors fault as they don’t offer any proper education anymore, and are only selling and promoting push button and shiny objects traffic in 60 seconds stuff.
As this statement is so true, I’ve decided to make this short tutorial on landing page design.
In this tutorial we’re going to talk about the lead magnet, the do’s and don’ts with your landing page, the actual design of your landing page, why it’s important to have a bridge page and the email follow up series.
So without further ado lets dive in to it.
1.Lets look at your Lead Magnet or Free Giveaway
- Always make sure that your lead magnet is congruent with the paid offer that your promoting, it’s totally useless to have a lead magnet about list building when you promote an offer about creating low content books to sell on Etsy.
- Always make sure that the content in your lead magnet is still relevant and not something from 10 years ago.
- If you are using a PDF style lead magnet, make sure to rebrand it so it represents you or your brand, change the cover and put your name on it and sign off with your name inside the document.
- Use a picture of yourself and link back to your website, your YouTube channel or your Facebook page.
- Using a short video tutorial that you’ve created yourself, is still the best way for your branding, it will build up trust and you’ll position yourself as an authority in your field instantly.
2.Now lets move over to the do’s and don’ts on your landing page.
Never, and I mean never ever, send your new subscriber directly from your landing page to a paid offer. This will not convert into any sales and your subscriber probably will never open an email from you again, because you’re being way to pushy and people don’t tend to buy from persons they don’t know.
If you want people to trust you and eventually buy from you, you have to do it this way:
- You need to send people from your landing page to a bridge page, then fom your bridge page to a sales page.
- And always make sure that you have at least a 7 to 15 email follow up series ready in your autoresponder.
If you do not have an email follow up series in place, you might as well forget to make any sales whatsoever.
3.Now lets move on to the design of your landing page.
First here are a few things that you must never do if you want to create a high converting landing page:
- Don’t use any background pictures or moving backgrounds for your landing page
- Don’t use a video on your landing page, keep that for your bridge page
- Don’t tell your life story, again keep that for your bridge page or sales page.
- Don’t use any fancy fonts on your landing page
- Don’t ask people for to much information
- And one of the most important things, don’t make people scroll down to find your sign up form
Instead follow these basic rules and you will have a high converting landing page:
- Use a plain white background
- Keep it stupid simple, a headline, some urgency or call to action and your sign up form.
- Ask only for email to increase conversions
- Use a font that is easy to read, use black colors and red colors for your text
- Put a little message in your sign up form that tells them that your free gift will be send to their email address, this way you’ll avoid any fake or phony email addresses.
- Underneath your sign up form you want to put a message that implies that their email address is safe with you and that you won’t spam them.
4.Now the most important page in your funnel, your bridge page
This is the most important page as it will be your introduction to your new subscriber, it will build up trust and authority.
These are the things that you MUST include on your bridge page:
- Make a short welcome video or a written message with a picture of yourself, tell them who you are and what you stand for.
- Thank them for signing up and show your appreciation
- Tell them their free gift is on its way to their email inbox
- Tell them to also check their spam folder if they are unable to find your gift
- Ask them kindly to whitelist your email address so you won’t get stuck in the spam folders
- Inform them about the paid offer that you promote and try to get them to the sales page without being to salesly.
5.Here’s where the real money is, your email follow up series
It’s a fact that people have to see your offer about 7 times before they even consider buying it, that is why it is so important that you have at least 7 to 15 emails ready to promote that certain product.
But of course there are a few basic rules that you want to follow:
- In your first email ask them again to whitelist your email address, share a tutorial on how to do this
- Don’t make your emails a long sales pitch each and every day, give them some valuable information and gently remind them of your paid offer
- Never use pre-made email swipes, be original, try to stand out from the crowd, use headlines that nobody else is using, in short be different and make them look out for your next email.
So guys this was it, I hope that you’ve got some value from this short tutorial.