How To Edit And Upload Your PLR Products – Step by step video tutorial on editing PLR products
Are you one of those people with a boatload of PLR products on your computer but never did a darn thing with them? Or are you thinking about dipping your toes into the huge and profitable PLR market, but just don’t know where to start? Well, than this post might just be the thing that you need, because today I’m going to show you how to edit and upload your PLR products.

If you follow the steps laid out in this video tutorial, your PLR products will finally be ready to sell and bring in that passive income that you always desired.
We’ll cover all the necessary steps that are required to get your product on the market.
- How to extract your zip files
- How to edit your sales page
- How to create your Paypal button
- How to insert the Paypal button into the sales page
- How to use Filezilla (FTP Software)
- How to upload the sales page on to your server
- How to create a download folder for your product
So, let’s dive straight into it and watch the video below
Free online tools and resources used in this tutorial
- NVU or you can use KompoZer (which is the tool that I use)
- FileZilla (download the client version)
- Hostinger (website hosting, this is paid but it is dirt cheap and reliable hosting)
As this tutorial was only about 15 minutes long, it obviously didn’t cover any rebranding of your products. If you really want to stand out from the crowd and have a truly unique product, then you must of course rebrand your product.
I will be posting a complete PLR rebranding course on my blog in the near future. And I’m not exaggerating when I call this a complete course, it consists of 12 videos with over 4,5 hours of over the shoulder training, so make sure to check that out when I post it.
For now, I hope you got some value out of this short tutorial on editing PLR products.