How To Drive Traffic To Your Website Using Social Media

Drive traffic to your website and boost your blog posts instantly through social media

Most new marketers are completely clueless when it comes to generating traffic. They’ve managed to get a blog up and running but don’t get much traffic, if any at all. So, in this post I’ll share some of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website.

If you’d like to get tons of website visitors then you really need to use the power of social media. Social media is probably the easiest way to drive near-instant traffic to both new and old blog posts.

You’re able to drive high-quality traffic with just one social media post. On top of that, this is targeted traffic and therefore these visitors will be more engaged than others.

Drive Traffic To Your Website Through Social Media
Drive Traffic To Your Website Through Social Media

As time goes by, you’ll even get passive traffic from people who will stumble upon your older social media posts.

To give your blog posts a massive boost on these social media platforms, you may need to re-purpose your content.

Text-based posts usually work very well on platforms like Quora and Medium. On the other hand, if you want to target visitors on more visually-oriented social platforms such as Pinterest or Instagram, then you’ll need to create high-quality info-graphics or memes just to catch people’s attention.

If you’d like to get traffic from YouTube then you’ll definitely have to re-purpose your text-based content into video.

The point is you’re going to have to make your content fit with the social network. You can’t just post a link to your blog post. People will ignore it, plain and simple.

You must think about what’s going to persuade people to click on your posts. You need to give them what they want if you want them to take notice of your content.

One of the biggest benefits of social media is that you don’t have to write a new blog post for every single social media platform you wish to post on. As I’ve said before, you just need to learn how to re-purpose your existing content.

This not only breathes new life into your old blog posts, but it also means getting more mileage out of your work!

You do want to make a few hours’ worth of writing to last a long time, right? Then re-purposing content is the answer!

Here are some basic ideas to re-purpose your old blog posts:

  • Turn your blog post into video slides
  • Turn your blog post into an e-book
  • Turn your blog post into a work sheet
  • Turn your blog post into a presentation
  • Turn your blog post into Tweet questions
  • Chop your blog post into bite sized tips
  • And so on…

Once you’ve repurposed your blog post and posted it on relevant social media channels, it’s time to sit back and wait for people to visit your website.

Keep in mind that you also need to engage with people. After all, it’s called social media for a reason. The more you engage with your followers, the more they will trust you and the more authority you’ll gain.

And that’s exactly what you want to achieve because people tend to buy stuff from other people who they know, like and trust.

Drive Traffic To Your Website - Engage With People
Drive Traffic To Your Website – Engage With People

If you’re just posting content without adding additional value, then people will think you’re just spamming. Being labeled as a spammer will mean no traffic to your blog posts!

Let’s look at the most popular social media platforms used by online marketers


Facebook is definitely the king of social media with roughly 2.85 billion active users every single month. People from all over the world are actively using Facebook.

As an online marketer, you want to capitalize on the sheer number of Facebook users and get them to visit your website.

Think about it for a moment, what if you can get even just a very small percentage of Facebook users to land on your website.

We’re talking about thousands of people reading your content, who will more than likely share your post if it’s something they find super valuable and useful.

You should also consider Facebook Ads to drive traffic to your website because these ads have a much larger reach than organic posts.

Facebook Insights offers very detailed targeting options, so your ads will be highly effective if you know how to use this tool .

The only downside is that Facebook ads can become very expensive.


Twitter has been around us since 2006 and it currently has about 330 million monthly active users. More than 166 million users log in to their account each and every day, sending hundreds of millions of tweets on a daily basis.

Some marketers are reluctant to use the platform because they find the 280-character limit confusing and daunting. On the other hand, Twitter users love the fact that they don’t have to read lengthy rants and posts.

Twitter forces people to be direct and to the point, to say what really needs to be said and thereby getting rid of the usual fluff and filler.

Twitter is known to be extremely good for your website SEO and that alone is a viable reason to use it. Good search engine rankings will eventually result in getting you more email leads/subscribers.


Pinterest is the worlds most popular image-sharing website. People don’t use Pinterest in the same way they use Facebook or Twitter

The platform is designed to help people who are looking for inspiration and ideas about a certain topic. You can help them by creating ‘boards’ for any niche/category of your choice.

To date, there are more than 1 billion boards with over 100 billion pins on the platform.

You can easily pin images from your website by installing a browser extension or you can simply re-pin images from other people’s boards.

The audience on Pinterest is more willing to buy things compared to other social media platforms. So make sure that your images stand out and don’t forget to add your website link to pins.

Drive Traffic To Your Website - Pinterest
Drive Traffic To Your Website – Pinterest


Instagram is the 3rd biggest social media platform and has over 1 billion active users logging in each month, with the number of daily users reaching over 500 million.

Instagram users spend an average of 30 minutes per day on the platform making them some of the most highly engaged social media users on the planet.

Instagram is a visually-oriented social media platform where you post photos and videos to promote your business. To get more eyeballs on your content you’ll need to use hashtags.

There is absolutely no need to write a thousand words to describe how your product works because a picture paints a thousand words. Well, on Instagram these are the words you need to live by!


As you probably know YouTube is the second most visited website in the world with viewers watching over a billion hours of video on the platform every day.

If you do any kind of marketing online and you’re not taking advantage of YouTube than you’re missing out on a ton of potential traffic.

YouTube videos are also indexed on Google so you’re able to kill two birds with one stone. Imagine doing the work only once and getting people to view your videos over and over again.

YouTube makes it super easy to embed your videos on to your website, squeeze pages, emails and even on your social media profiles.

Embedding a video on your website will increase your rankings massively on both Google and Bing.


Quora is without a doubt the worlds biggest questions and answers based platform where you can pretty much ask any question you want, and someone will answer, sooner or later.

As a marketer your first instinct may be to answer all relevant questions that come your way and insert a link back to your website somewhere.

You’ll often find Quora at the top of the search engines because Quora questions are mainly long-tail keywords that not a lot of websites are publishing content on.

The answers are usually in long form with hundreds or even thousands of words to answer people’s questions. These are the kinds of answers that make it to the top of Google.

If you provide value to the community and give in-depth answers you’ll be rewarded with an avalanche of traffic to your website.


Medium is a social blogging platform with around 60 million monthly visitors actively reading the posts.

Blogging remains one of the best ways to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. You should really consider blogging and regularly publishing valuable content on your own website and on Medium.

One of the best features of Medium is that it allows you to import your existing content onto the platform without having to worry about getting a duplicate content penalty from Google.

Medium will automatically add a canonical link to your Medium URL. This link lets search engines know it’s not the original source of the content. Posting on Medium will give new life to your older blog posts.

If you provide enough valuable content on this blogging platform people will start following you which will eventually result in traffic to your other web properties.

These were just a handful of tips to drive traffic to your website. Follow them and you’ll definitely see an increase in website visitors. Your blog will be the place to hang out for many people.

You’ll have a loyal fan base that will see you as the go-to expert in your niche. And that my friend, is exactly what you need in order to transform your site into a profit-pulling machine.

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