How To Create Lead Magnets That Convert Visitors Into Customers

How to create lead magnets and why every business website should have one

In this post we’re going to talk about how to create lead magnets that convert website visitors into customers. But before we start let’s look at what a lead magnet actually is and why every online business should have at least one.

Basically it’s a free downloadable piece of content that is used to trigger interest in your products or service and add potential customers to your subscribers list. Great, but why the heck do we even care about something like this?

Well let me paint you a picture of your website without a lead magnet. When people land on your website, a small percentage is going to immediately turn into a customer, which is great news for you. Unfortunately, most visitors are going to leave your site immediately and will never return. And these are potential customers that you’ve lost forever.

How To Create Lead Magnets That Convert Visitors Into Customers
How To Create Lead Magnets That Convert Visitors Into Customers

On the other hand, if your website does have a lead magnet, you’re still going to have a certain amount of visitors that will turn into paying customers immediately, and a certain amount of visitors that will leave immediately. But you’re also going to grab people’s interest with your lead magnet, and you would be surprised how many people actually give their contact information in return for a free gift.

Once you’ve captured their contact information, it is your duty as a marketer to start nurturing and educate your new subscribers and potentially turn them into paying customers in the long run.

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Now that you know why you need one, the next step is to actually create one.

But first, we need to figure out what exactly your customers are looking for. Do they have a particular problem or concern that needs to be solved? Or do they simply want to gain more knowledge about what you have to offer?

Put together an offer that can address those issues. The next thing you have to do is write up interesting content in a way that appeals to your target audience and is highly relevant to your product.

How To Create Lead Magnets That Convert Visitors Into Customers
How To Create Lead Magnets That Convert Visitors Into Customers

This doesn’t have to be a full blown e-book, a cheat sheet or a quick how to guide is more than enough. Just make sure that it is valuable content that offers a solution.

Once you’ve done that it’s time to make it look appealing for the eye, so you need to put some extra time and effort in your design work. Make sure it reflects your brand and your niche .

Here’s why you should consider PLR content to create your lead magnet

The fastest and probably most easy way to create your lead magnet is by using PLR content. This is basically a done for you product. PLR which stands for private label rights gives you the right to use the content in any way you see fit

Just make sure that the content is still relevant and not outdated, and of course, you should only use high quality PLR even when it is to create a lead magnet. But most importantly, never use your PLR as it is, re-purpose or rebrand it, so that it becomes a new and truly unique product.

Here are a few of my favorite PLR websites:

How To Create Lead Magnets That Convert Visitors Into Customers
How To Create Lead Magnets That Convert Visitors Into Customers

Here’s a few examples on how to create lead magnets

1.Simple rebranding of an e-book

This is pretty quick and easy. You basically take the PLR book that you bought and create a new cover, change the headlines and put in some relevant pictures. Don’t forget to put your name, brand and website in your newly created book. With simple rebranding you’ll have a lead magnet in no time.

2.Create action sheets

You could strip the PLR book into action sheets. An action sheet is really just a checklist of specific actions you need to take. They are step by step process instructions. Well-written PLR books can easily be stripped down into bite sized action sheets.

3.Create short videos

Another great way is to convert your PLR content into short videos. You can strip down your PLR book and use these for video scripts. Create slides in PowerPoint or Google Slides and read over them as you record your slides. You have the choice to put your face on camera or not when you read the slides.

4.Use the super bundle technique

The idea is to get PLR materials that cover all different formats. I’m talking about photos, videos and text. All of these must be tightly related to a specific niche. You can then bundle them up and give them away in exchange for an email address.

These were some basic ideas to create your own lead magnet from PLR, but there are far more ways to use it, just think a bit out of the box and I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to create a stunning lead magnet.

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