How To Build Profitable Sales Funnels From Scratch

How To Build Highly Profitable Sales Funnels

Build Profitable Sales Funnels With This Easy To Follow Blueprint

If you’re still struggling to make any kind of money online when building your list then you’re surely going to love what I have for you today. In this post I’m going to share a full blown course that will show you how to build profitable sales funnels from scratch.

I used to suck big time too when it came to sales funnels and building email lists. So I’ve spent heaps of time working on my sales funnels because I was damn right fed up with not making any money or getting pathetic conversion rates when building my list.

You see, I buy a lot of my traffic so it’s crucial that I have a high converting sales funnel otherwise I’ll end up being broke. And that is why I made it my mission to learn exactly what it takes to create profitable sales funnels.

One of the first courses I’ve bought was Sales Funnel Commando by Paul Nicholls – and now I’ve just picked up the unrestricted PLR rights to Paul’s training. Although this course is a few years old it’s still very relevant and since I own the rights to this training I decided to share it with you.

Here’s An Overview Of What You Will Learn:

  • Importance of sales funnels
  • All the the required tools you need
  • Create effective squeeze pages
  • 5 different funnels (beginner to advanced funnels)

So are you ready to start building a profitable sales funnel and a laser-targeted mailing list of your own? Well, you should be so let’s begin.

Start By Getting The Basics Right

Video 1 – Importance Of Sales Funnels In Your Business

Most people that come to the internet trying to make an income online don’t bother to build out a sales funnel. BIG MISTAKE!

Your sales funnel will function as the BACKBONE OF YOUR ENTIRE BUSINESS. Once you have your funnel up and running the only thing you need to focus on is driving traffic.

Video 2 – Tools You Need To Create Your Sales Funnel

Nowadays you can practically run your whole online business from one single platform. And best of all, it won’t cost you a dime to get started.

I’m not talking about 30-day free trials but FREE FOREVER PLANS. Seriously, check out the two resources below and have a look at their free plans. I think you’ll be amazed by what they have to offer.

Video 3 – Secrets To A Profitable And Effective Squeeze Page

Keep things straightforward and simple. Your squeeze page is not a sales page, your only goal should be to collect the visitors email address.

There’s no need to tell your story from rags to riches or include any type of income proof. Refrain from moving backgrounds or other elements that might distract your visitors. So once again, KEEP IT STUPID SIMPLE!

Five Most Common Sales Funnels Explained

Right then, by now you should have all the knowledge and tools to build your sales funnel. In the following videos you’ll get a detailed overview of the most commonly used sales funnels.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Pick a funnel that suits your level of experience. It’s absolutely pointless trying to build “The Guru Funnel” if you’re a stone cold newbie.

Remember when you were a kid learning to ride a bicycle? It had side-wheels. Once you gained enough confidence the side-wheels were removed and you went on from there.

It’s the same with sales funnels – master one before you move on to the next level. Anyways, now that we’ve got the dos and don’ts out of the way, let’s get cracking!

Video 4 – The Affiliate Newbie Funnel

Video 5 – The Newbie Funnel

Video 6 – The Marketers Funnel

Video 7 – The Expert Marketers Funnel

Video 8 – The Guru Funnel

Interested in the mind maps that were discussed in these videos? If so, then feel free to download the mind maps over here (NO optin required)

I hope you enjoyed this free training on how to build profitable sales funnels from scratch. This is how I do it and it always brings in awesome results. I’m sure when you put it into action, you’ll get equally awesome results.

If this goes way above your head and sounds too technical then you might want to check out the Done For You Social Traffic LMS Funnel.

As always, if you’ve got any questions, drop them down in the comments section below and I’ll try my best to answer them for you.

dave: Honest product reviews and free tutorials in the online marketing niche.