Digital Launch Booster Review – Step By Step Action Plan To Covert PLR Content Into A Truly Unique Product
Hello everyone and welcome to my Digital Launch Booster Review. Digital Launch Booster is a brand new digital info product by Celio Ramos. Celio is going to show you how to turn PLR e-books into full blown video courses and launch them to make a profit.
This course is not based on some kind of theory but it’s actually one giant case study. Let me explain, Celio used 2 PLR e-books about product creation from IDPLR and he transformed them into Digital Launch Booster while recording the whole process.
In other words, everything that you see is created right in front of your eyes, from the sales page to the members area. And the best thing is that he does it in a unique way.
Most courses on PLR rebranding involve the use of HTML-editors and external software to load everything up onto your server. Digital Launch Booster has none of those older and often difficult methods.
All of the rebranding is done with modern tools that don’t require you to be a technical wizard. Plus, all of these tools are freely available online.
In a nutshell, Digital Launch Booster is the perfect course for people that want to launch a product without the usual technical hassle. Just follow along and you will have your product up and running in no time.
Digital Launch Booster is going live on the 12th of July at 11.00 AM/EST
Watch My Digital Launch Booster Review Video Below So You’ll
Know Exactly What You Can Expect
Secure Your Copy + My Exclusive Bonuses For $17
Everything is covered in this course, from the moment that you download the PLR content, until your new product is up for sale on Warrior Plus. Celio will take you by the hand and assist you with easy to follow instructions.
Once you’ve picked your product for rebranding you will learn things such as, outlining your new course, creating a logo and product mock-up, building all your pages and the members area, recording your videos (face or no face), creating promotional materials, set up your product for sale, recruiting affiliates and so much more.
Apart from having your own truly unique product to sell you’ll be able to build a list of hungry buyers with the help of other affiliates. That buyers list will become the most valuable asset of your business.
Buyers who have purchased from you will be much more likely to buy again. As a product creator, you can always create new products that will appeal to your buyers and you will be able to generate sales over and over. There is no limit to what you can achieve.
You also have the ability to brand yourself and your products. If your products are good, you will have a loyal group of customers.
Here’s what you will get inside the members area
The course comes in 2 separate components. First you’ll get access to a complete instructional guide which is delivered in PDF format. Secondly, you’ll find 25 step by step video tutorials that guide you through the process from start to finish.
Video Tutorials:
- Welcome Video
- Search & Get A Free PLR Product
- How To Consume The PLR Content & Improve It
- Find Your Product Name
- Create A Free Logo For Your Product
- Turn Your Logo Into Smart Mockup
- Website Domain & Hosting Service
- Install The Best Website Builder
- Step By Step Walkthrough of Elementor
- Creating Your Thank you Page
- Creating Your Welcome Video
- Build Your Product’s “Dashboard”
- Best Way To Record & Publish Your Videos
- Create Your Lead Capture Pop-Up
- Upload Your Lead Capture Landing Page
- Create Your Promotional Banners
- List Your Product on Warrior+Plus
- Step By Step Offer Creation in Warrior+Plus
- Step by Step Upsell Sales Page
- Step By Step Upsell Download Thank You Page
- Upsell Setup in Warrior+Plus Offer Section
- JV Doc and JV & Affiliate Tools Page
- List Your Product on MunchEye
- Complete System
- Conclusion & Support
Extra Bonuses:
- Sales Page Generator
- Headline Generator Formula
- Exclusive Facebook Group
Price And Funnel Of Digital Launch Booster

Digital Launch Booster Front End $17
Upgrade 1 Growth Bundle: $27 – $22
Access the powerful Digital Launch Booster software and training modules, plus 10 PLR products so you can continue growing your online business
Upgrade 2 Website Build-Up: $297 – $247
Complete website build-up. Celio will build your website and design your sales page, thank you page and product page, speeding up your whole process. Plus you also get full access to upgrade 1.
Upgrade 3 Two Months Of Premium Coaching $697- $597
2 Weekly coaching calls for the next 60 days in order to create a plan of action together with Celio. Plus you also get full access to upgrade 1 and upgrade 2.
Secure Your Copy + My Exclusive Bonuses For $17
Grab Digital Launch Booster Today And I’ll Give You Instant
Access To Some Of My Best Bonuses
Easy Ebook Rebranding

- Get access to 5 easy to understand step by step video tutorials
- Discover why you should always rebrand PLR content if you want to make a profit
- Learn how to effectively rebrand your graphics, headlines and sales page in just a few steps
Passive Income Machine

- Discover the major benefits of having a recurring income from a membership site
- You’ll get an overview of the most common membership models and learn how to pick the right one
- You’ll learn how to choose the best pricing structure for your membership site
- Discover how to drive targeted traffic to your site and how to keep your members engaged
Bonus Creation Blueprint

- Discover why you bonuses are so important to boost conversions and sales
- Learn how to create your own unique bonuses quickly and easily
- Requires no technical skills whatsoever, anyone can do this
- I’ll guide you through the whole process from start to finish
101 Ways To Profit From PLR

- Get access to 101 ways to re-purpose and profit from your PLR content
- Discover how you can turn 1 piece of content into multiple streams of income
- All the strategies are highly diversified and very easy to implement
Vendor Bonuses

- Vendor bonuses will delivered in the members area of Digital Launch Booster
Looks Good, huh. Well To Get All These Bonuses All You’ve Got To Do Is…
Click The Button Below To Secure Your Copy Of Digital Launch Booster
If you choose to purchase Digital Launch Booster via my link, then you’re exclusive bonuses will be automatically delivered inside your Warrior+ account. The picture below shows you how to access your bonuses.

I appreciate your time and effort to read my Digital Launch Booster Review. If you’re still doubtful and have additional questions regarding this Digital Launch Booster Review, or anything else online marketing related, then just send me a note and I’ll get back to you asap.