DFY Affiliate Pack Review – Set up a highly profitable affiliate marketing funnel without spending countless hours creating it yourself
Hi there everyone and welcome to my DFY Affiliate Pack Review. DFY Affiliate Pack is a done for you funnel to promote one of the highest converting offers in the weight loss niche on Clickbank. The funnel comes from the desk of Barry Rodgers and ticks all the boxes to run a successful affiliate marketing campaign.
We’ve all seen the bold statements from the self-proclaimed experts on YouTube. Head over to Clickbank, pick an offer with a high gravity score, get your affiliate link and start spamming that link all over social media. Guess what happens next? Apart from getting your accounts blocked, the balance of your bank account will remain a staggering big fat zero.
Other “Guru’s” will tell you that you need to run paid ads. Google ads, Bing Ads and Facebook ads all work very well for experienced marketers. If you’re a complete newbie and therefore clueless on how paid advertising works, you’ll burn money faster than you could have ever imagined.
The harsh truth is, that making money on Clickbank is NOT easy and you’re not going to make thousands of dollars overnight. I don’t want to shatter your dreams but if you don’t have all the necessary components in place to run a successful Clickbank campaign, you ain’t going to make a single dime.
That’s why these done for you packages from seasoned marketers such as Lee Murray, Val Wilson and in this case Barry Rodgers are a godsend. They’ve been making money on Clickbank for many years and they know what needs to be done.
Ok, enough with the chit-chat, let’s get this DFY Affiliate Pack Review back on track.
The only thing you need in order to use Barry’s DFY funnel, is your own web hosting account, an auto-responder service and of course a free Clickbank account. These are necessities to set up your affiliate marketing funnel.
This is a complete affiliate funnel promoting The Custom Keto Diet – a top selling Clickbank product targeting the Keto Diet in the weight loss niche. This product is very popular and converts well, plus there is also a recurring income aspect to the offer as well.
Your DFY funnel includes the following components:
- A unique and rebrandable lead magnet
- Two opt-in pages, so you have the ability to split test
- Redirect Thank You page
- Monetized lead magnet delivery page
- 7-day email follow up series
- All the required legal pages – linked and personalized
Watch My DFY Affiliate Pack Review Video Below
So You’ll Know What You Can Expect
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The biggest benefit of this DFY funnel is the simplicity. No coding, editing or any other technical skills are required to rebrand this funnel as your own. After your payment you will be re-directed to Barry’s web-based software. Here you simply enter your personal details and the software will create the whole funnel for you.
Have a look at how easy the rebranding process is Over Here. This was the funnel to promote Faststart 9 but the rebranding process works exactly the same.
After that, it’s just a matter of uploading it to your hosting, and add the emails to your auto-responder service. Barry also provides step by step instructions that will guide you through the whole setup process.
Price And Funnel Of DFY Affiliate Pack – The Keto Diet
DFY Affiliate Pack Front End – $12.90
(After 18/04/2021 Price Will Increase To $27)
Upgrade 1 DFY Niche Blog $47
A complete “Done For You” affiliate blog in the Keto niche fully loaded with quality content and images that compliment the affiliate funnel on the front end.
Upgrade 2 DFY Installation $197
This is a full installation service offer for the funnel.
Upgrade 3 Six 5-day workshops $135
This is a series of SIX 5-day workshops recorded live by Liz Tomey. They all deal with traffic – something people need when they have a funnel.
Upgrade 4 The Rodgers Report $97/Year
This is Barry’s private monthly newsletter where he share valuable information on all things marketing related
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Grab DFY Affiliate Pack Today And I’ll Give You Some Of
My Best Bonuses…Absolutely For Free!!!
Bonus 1 Affiliate Profit Blueprint

- Discover how to set up a basic review website for affiliate marketing purposes
- Learn how to effectively capture leads from your website and build your list
- Drive huge amounts of free buyer traffic to your website
Bonus 2 Pinterest Traffic Boost

- Learn how to utilize Pinterest to drive traffic to your affiliate promotions
- Pinterest is a huge traffic source especially for niche related blogs
- Discover how to optimize your pins for SEO
- Automate your pinning so you can and save lots of time
Bonus 3 Facebook Traffic Pack

- Discover the most effective ways to build a highly engaged audience on Facebook
- Learn how to optimize your profile, pages and groups for marketing purposes
- This extensive bundle covers both free and paid traffic from Facebook
Bonus 4 Clickbank Golden Niche List

- Giant list with the most profitable sub niches in the health, wealth, relationship and hobby niche
- Direct forwarding to the most popular products in your chosen niche
- No more research on your behalf as I’ve done the work for you!
Looks Good, huh. Well To Get All These Bonuses All You’ve Got To Do Is…
>>> Click Here To Secure Your Copy + My Exclusive Bonuses <<<
If you choose to purchase DFY Affiliate Pack via my link, then you’re bonuses will be automatically delivered inside your Warrior+ account. See the picture below on how to access your bonuses.

I hope that you got some value from my DFY Affiliate Pack review, and if you have any questions than don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll get back to you asap.