Clickbank For Beginners – Proven strategies to succeed with Clickbank affiliate marketing
If you’ve been trying to make money online for a while than most likely you’ve heard about ClickBank. Clickbank is without a doubt one of the biggest affiliate marketing networks that you can join. There’s tons of ‘make money online’ courses out there that claim that getting started with Clickbank is the fastest way to make a stable income online. And yet… most new marketers struggle to make a single cent on ClickBank. So, if you’re one of those struggling newbies, read on, as I’m about to share some very effective “Clickbank for beginners” tips.
Here’s The Clickbank For Beginners Video
We’ve all seen the huge Clickbank income claims splattered around on over-the-top sales pages. It seems that the super affiliates are pulling in humongous profits without any effort. The potential earnings one could make is enough to whet the appetites of most online marketers.
The harsh reality is that most marketers are making Zero, Zilch, Nada! It looks like these super affiliates all have a “secret super formula” that is not accessible for new affiliates. The truth of the matter is that all successful ClickBank affiliates abide by a few simple rules.
Below you’ll find a list with some of the best strategies to promote your Clickbank offer. If you implement them and work on them consistently, you’ll definitely see success as a Clickbank affiliate in times to come.
Anyway, here are my 9 tips to make money with Clickbank
1.Start a blog
You may mistakenly believe that you’re delaying your progress by creating a blog instead of sending people straight to the product’s sales page. Do remember that a tiger crouches before it leaps. You building the blog is like crouching… before you leap to affiliate marketing success.
In the beginning you want to niche down as much as you can. This will increase your chances of reaching your target audience. For example, if you’re going in to the health niche, niche down to something like this, diabetes remedies for women aged over 50. This is a targeted audience while diabetes alone would be to broad.
This brings us to the next point…
2.Build a list
Once you’ve created the basic foundations for your blog, it’s time to create a landing page where you’ll give away an ethical bribe in exchange for the visitors email address. You either have the choice of going for a paid page builder, or use one of the many free plug-ins that WordPress offers.
Keep in mind that this is one area where an investment in a premium plugin is a big advantage in terms of functionality and ease of use. But for marketers on a shoe-string budget, you can find a reliable and completely free plug-in over here.
Start with sharing your landing page link on all your social media accounts or anywhere else where you post content. As time goes by, you’ll build a list of subscribers that are interested in your content.
You MUST have an audience to market your ClickBank product to… repeatedly. It’s a proven fact that most people need to see an offer several times before they decide to whip out their credit card.
But before you can sell them…
3.Deliver value first
Forget about making sales if you don’t deliver value first, people tend to buy stuff from other people whom they know, trust and like. Most new marketers fail at ClickBank affiliate marketing simply because this is not a method for beginners who jump in head over heels.
Most people just want useful information that will help them. Your blog will provide them with answers… but NOT ALL the answers. You don’t want to give them all the information. Remember you’re a marketer who wants to make money.
Give them enough information to help them out, and then gently guide them to your affiliate offer which will give them the complete solution. Don’t be to salesy because this usually has the opposite effect of what you’re trying to achieve, resulting in losing a potential customer.
The best way to sell any affiliate product is to simply pre-sell the product. The best way to do this is to wrap the pre-selling with valuable content.

4.Make sure that your landing page is congruent
The colors and fonts on your landing page should match with the sales page of your paid product. To increase your conversions even your lead magnet should bear similar branding. Keep this in mind when you design the e-cover for your lead magnet.
Congruence is the most important element of your funnel, you want to keep all your promotional materials closely related to the end-product that you’re trying to sell.
If you need some more information on creating high converting landing pages, then it can be found in this blog post.
5.Split test your pages
Although split testing is a never ending process it’s absolutely necessary. You need to know which one of your pages has the highest conversions possible.
Once you’ve gathered all the information and you’ve found that winning page, you can start running paid ads. While running ads, you should split test too.
Only scale up when you’re 100% sure that your page converts well. This approach will save you tons of money
6.Have an email follow up series
Make sure that you have at least a 5-day email follow up series loaded into your auto-responder. After the first 5 days you might want to send out an email every two days.
In your first few emails, your goal is to deliver value and gain trust and credibility with your subscriber. One of the best ways to do this is to create a customer avatar. This will help you understand what your subscriber actually wants, and you can sculpture your emails around this information. It’s important to write in a way that agrees with what the reader is thinking.
You must speak their language and address their pressing needs without them saying a word. By displaying empathy and ‘insider knowledge’, you’ll gain trust with your subscribers, which will eventually turn into making more sales.
7.Learn how to drive traffic
Whether you like it or not, driving traffic is a must-have skill. You absolutely need to know how to drive targeted traffic to your web properties. No traffic equals no sales, simple as that.
Pick one method of traffic generation that’s proven to work, and focus on it. And with one method I do mean one, there’s only 24hrs in a day and you don’t have time to drive traffic from five sources efficiently. Believe me, pick one method and master it, or pick five and become a master of none. The choice is yours!

Pinterest, Facebook groups, Twitter and Instagram… etc., are all valid and effective traffic methods. You just need to pick the one where your targeted audience hangs out.
If you choose to drive traffic via a Facebook group, then you might want to check out this blog post.
As you progress, you’ll need to learn about paid advertising as well. Nothing allows you to scale up your profits and get faster feedback than paid ads. These days, social media platforms are making moves that limit organic reach just so that people ‘pay to play’. Learning paid traffic is becoming more important than ever before.
8.Choose the right product
You want to choose an affiliate offer that converts well and has relatively attractive commissions. If you’re able to find an offer with recurring billing, then go for it. Check if the vendor provides affiliate tools such as banner ads, social media images or email swipes. These tools could be useful for your campaigns.
Don’t forget to check the refund rates, you don’t want to promote a pile of crap. Ask yourself if the product is ethical. You may wish to ask for a review copy of the product or just buy it yourself so that you can have a deeper understanding of what the product is about.
Check if the vendor provides a discount link or a coupon. This can make your promotions much more effective. If the vendor does not have one, you could try asking for one. It doesn’t hurt to try… and if you don’t ask, the answer is always no.
9.Track your links
This is may sound obvious, but yet many newbies promote their products blindly. They have no clue where their clicks are coming from. Tracking your links will allow you to know which one of your marketing efforts are effective and which ones are an absolute disaster.
By focusing only on what works, you’ll be able to fine-tune your campaigns and scale up more efficiently.
These nine ‘Clickbank for beginners’ tips are only worth something if you put them into action. Applying them will take a lot of time and hard work. However, this is exactly what you need to do to reach your goals, there are no short-cuts. Don’t decrease your goals but increase your efforts.
If you want to win first prize, well then you must pay the price first and do what’s required. …