5 Alternative Ways To Make Money With PLR Products

Make Money With PLR Products – 5 Simple But Proven Ways To Generate An Income From PLR Content

5 Ways To Make Money With PLR

If you’re reading this then you’re probably one of many marketers who’ve tried but failed miserably to make money with PLR products. You’ve bought a PLR product and did exactly what the sales page told you to do. Am I right?

Well guess what, you’re not going to make a single cent by just slapping your name on a sales page and adding your own Paypal button because you’re NOT the only one who owns a copy of that PLR you just bought.

The key to make money with PLR products is by either completely rebrand them, re-purpose them in another format or just think a little bit outside the box.

In this post I’ll show you 5 methods that fall into the “outside the box” category. These methods are not new or my invention but things that have been proven to work for years.

They do require some work but they are not difficult to do. Anyone who is prepared to put some time and effort into this will be able to pull this off.

Here’s what we’ll cover today

  • Method 1 – The affiliate method
  • Method 2 – The article method
  • Method 3 – The checklist method
  • Method 4 – The DFY blog method
  • Method 5 – The easy rebranding method

== You Can Watch It All In Video Format Below ==

Resources mentioned in the video:

Method 1 – The Affiliate Method

Right then, the first method will be the easiest one as it literally involves no work at all. You simply become an affiliate for the PLR products that you’ve bought and share the content on your blog.

This method works extremely well with how to video tutorials. The first thing that you want to do is upload the videos onto YouTube or Vimeo but of course you keep them unlisted.

Then you’ll need to write a small intro for your blog post and you just embed the entire video course onto your blog post.

Underneath the videos you must create a call to action to inform people that they can get PLR rights to this course and that they could use the course on their own blogs or just simply rebrand and resell it.

You re-direct people to the sales page of the vendor and when people buy the product you make a commission

One of the marketers who uses this method all the time is PLR seller Arun Chandran. You can visit one of his blog posts over here and see how he structures his posts to get the best results.

Method 2 – The Article Method

For the second method we’ll stick with Arun. When you visit his PLR Reseller Store you’ll see that he mainly sells article packs. These packs usually contain 5 to 10 articles and they sell for in between $10 and $17.

Now you could just buy the articles from Arun’s shop and create a new box and sell them as your own.

Another way would be to create your own articles. For example, if you have an e-book with PLR rights you could easily split that up into 5 to 10 articles. The best way would be to rewrite it to make it unique to you. Then create a box for your new articles and you have a product to sell.

You could create a great up-sell by turning the articles into a video using tools like Pictory or Wave video.

If you want a head start selling PLR articles you can get 3 of my own article packs. The articles were a gift for the people on my list but you can get them for free over here.

Method 3 – The Checklist Method

This method involves turning e-books or video courses into checklists. A good example of someone who took this method to another level is Kevin Fahey. He literally turned his IM Checklist brand into a million dollar empire.

The cool thing about this method is that it’s not very difficult to do because a checklist is basically a collection of the essential points from your e-book or your video course. You just need to go through your courses and write down all the important factors.

Once you’ve done that it’s just a matter of creating a simple Word Document and structure your bullet points in a logical order. After that, you just need to create a nice mock-up for your checklist and you’ll have a product to sell.

Make Money With PLR – Checklist Method

You could also take a shortcut and just buy some of Kevin’s checklists and rebrand them and sell them as your own.

Which brings us to…

Method 4 – The DFY Blog Method

This one is a little bit more technical but it’s a very effective way to re-purpose and sell PLR.

This method involves selling done for you niche blogs. The easiest way to start with this method will require a small investment.

Let me give you an example. Let’s assume that you’ve bought a PLR ebook or article pack about affiliate marketing. What you want to do next is go to a site called Pre-Made Niches and buy yourself a done for you PLR blog for $17.

Once you’ve installed the blog onto your own server you can replace the existing content with your own PLR articles or content from your e-book. After that you can sell it as a blog with content either from your own store or you can flip it at sites like Flippa.com.

You could also keep the blog for yourself and monetize it with affiliate offers.

You can visit Pre-Made Niches over here. Have a look around their site and read their guides so you’ll get a good idea of what you can do with these blogs.

Method 5 – The Easy Rebranding Method

The last method is to simply rebrand your courses and sell them as your own. Now most people get stuck on this because it usually involves html editors, FTP clients and other technical stuff.

But there is a shortcut now. A couple of days ago Chris Derenberger released a product called PLR Wealth where he gives you a fully customizable WordPress sales funnel to sell your own products.

You get all the legal pages, a home page, an opt-in page, a thank you page, an upsell page and last but not least a members area.

It’s very simple to customize these pages for every new product that you want to sell. You just need to duplicate the original funnel, rename it and change some basic elements for your new product.

I did a full review about PLR Wealth that you might want to check out. You can find my full review over here.

I actually bought the product myself after I’ve got review access because I saw in the training how much of a time saver this was going to be. As it goes I’ve already started setting up a product and my pages are nearly finished in less than an hour of work.

So we’ve reached the end of this post. If you Implement these methods then I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to make money with PLR products.

If you got any questions whatsoever then drop me a comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

dave: Honest product reviews and free tutorials in the online marketing niche.