Today we’ll be looking at the best ways to get free buyer traffic from Facebook. Many marketers will teach their students to join the open Facebook groups, and post their links in to these groups to get traffic.
Well, in today’s saturated IM niche this strategy has become far less effective compared to a couple of years ago because everyone is doing the exact same thing.

Instead you should be focusing on joining, what I like to call “buyer groups”. If you ever bought a product yourself, you probably know that most product vendors always offer to join their closed Facebook Group.
These kind of groups are filled with people who actually took out their credit cards and bought something, and chances are they will buy again in the future.
How to join these groups?
First, go through al the products you ever bought and see if they have a group. If so, join all these groups.
Second go to Warrior+ and Jvzoo and look for the popular products (2000+ sales), open Facebook type in the product name + group. If they have a group ask to join the group.
Not all the groups will allow you, but let’s say if you’re allowed in 50% percent of these groups you have a lot of possible future buyers you can put on your list.
How to get these people on your list?
First “friend request” all the people in these groups, start with 20 to 30 people a day, don’t do more or Facebook will ban your account!
Second post some relevant and good info on YOUR Facebook page, and get people to visit your blog.
Hey guys, as I’m always testing the waters to get traffic, I recently tried out (whatever). Some of the results I got blew my mind! I’ve written down the exact strategy in my new blog post. If interested you can find it here (link to your blogpost)
Once people are on your blog make sure you have a strong call to action at the end of your post, so they will feel more engaged to opt in to your email list.
Another strategy is to post a question on your Facebook wall

People will respond and you will then provide them the link to your opt in page, and than redirected them to the info you promised them.
Another good method is commenting on videos. Go to the video section of Facebook. Look for videos in your niche, watch it and leave a valuable comment with your link. DO NOT blatantly spam your link everywhere
example of commenting
Hey, this was a really good and informative video. I was very impressed with your take on (name a subject of what was in the video).
Learned something new here today! As it happens I recently found a good (article,Product) on the same subject. If you’re interested you can find it here (link to your blog or opt in page)
And this my friends, are the 3 strategies to get free buyer traffic from Facebook that I currently use and I get stellar results with these methods.
Stop wasting hours of your time posting in open Facebook groups filled with people who are doing the exact same thing
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